Tuesday, March 06, 2007

I took Sophie to the Loudoun Museum downtown yesterday
and she really liked cooking in their colonial times kitchen.

We played 'dress up' with some of the clothes, but the only thing she liked to wear was this hat!
She cleaned up before we left!
Today we went to the Air and Space Museum to look at the planes, and also to see a "BIG MOVIE" (that's what Sophie calls the Imax). She was scared a little bit at first by the darkness and loud noises, but as soon as the movie started she loved it. We saw a 40 minute show about the Wetlands in Louisiana and the effect of Hurricane Katrina on them. She loved watching the alligators swim.

This afternoon we took Sophie for her first haircut. We tried to coax her through it by letting her eat these little heart candies that she loves, but as you can see, she wanted nothing to do with it. I am amazed that the woman was able to cut her hair at all!

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